
We guide you to a perfectly functioning commercial organization

Successful methods, can be implemented immediately

You want structure, overview and a clear working method for your team. Success is not accidental, but the result of best practice. Our working methods provide that structure and make account managers proactive.

You have control over what happens, even if you are not there.

Choose a method with proven results. Your team will quickly embrace it and you have the assurance that your team is doing the right things with great effectiveness. That gives you peace of mind.

Why our solutions work

More than €23 billion in customer contracts worldwide are protected with our processes. For several customers, annual profits themselves have increased by more than €100 million! Being great Numbers, not? Why are our solutions so effective?

Results arise from your working method. A working method makes it clear WHAT is essential and how these essential tasks can best be performed. If that method is structural, so are the results.

These Tenacity working methods are based on insights and best practices from more than 35 years of practical experience.

Tenacity's solutions ensure optimal collaboration between commercial, operational and management roles. So everyone does things that bring results and they know how to do this the most effective way to do. We help you gain insight into challenges, help you make choices, implement, train, coach and safeguard them. Until it works optimally.

What our customers say...

Johan StellingerwerfManaging Director Sodexo Altys
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You can lose customers while having high customer satisfaction. Clients for Life gives the word 'value' a whole new meaning. Now I look at the relationship from the perspective of what relevant added value you can provide from your organization instead of from your product or service. This means that I shape the relationship with my customers in a different way. Very inspiring.
André MeijerGeneral Manager Volkerwessel Telecom
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If you think it's all about customer satisfaction, you're in for a surprise. Tenacity shows how your key accounts view your organization and provides guidance on how you can lead your organization to higher customer retention.
René NijkampGeneral manager Sales & Industry Management Start People
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Clients for Life helps achieve our goal: 100% of our clients choose Start People every time based on the value they experience in the collaboration. Do you have the same ambition? Then I highly recommend this book. Then you can also read why we believe this goal starts with consciously choosing customers who are a good fit for us.
Michiel HillebrandChief Operating Officer Leviy
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Tenacity has helped us with a strategy to remain relevant to our customers over the long term. The Account Plan Canvas is a great instrument in this regard.