
of Account plans that work 

Arranged within 3 months

A visual account plan

One page that shows the connection

A page

Can be read in two minutes 


On the screen during every conversation

A page

By the developers of the canvas

Project management

Tenacity arranges everything with you and ensures that it works

Fully adjusted

No loose ends or awkwardness, it works smoothly

Our experience

We have been helping service providers optimize account management for more than 35 years. All our consultants have extensive experience in account management and have worked in managerial and management positions. 

We have all faced the issues that you are currently dealing with: better organization, gaining control, predictable good results and all that with less stress for yourself. 

We approach working with account plans on a project basis: We deliver it in working order. Because we know better than anyone that in addition to having the instrument and organizing training for your team, the real success factor is the organization around it. If you wait to arrange the process and the details, the intention to actually use it will fail due to the many questions, procrastination and all other matters that require attention.

Shall we get started?

Account plan implementationproject

Inside 3 months Do you have a working annual cycle for account plans? You and your team work with it without having to invest time in organizing and recruiting your team. 

It team has been trained, the first plans have been made, we attend the first discussions to coach on the use and everything is adjusted. From where the plans should be stored, to who is responsible for planning the discussions and what is done with the outcomes.

The costs for an account plan implementation project are € 15,000 (for a team of 10 or fewer account managers)

What our customers say...

Johan StellingerwerfManaging Director Sodexo Altys
You can lose customers while having high customer satisfaction. Clients for Life gives the word 'value' a whole new meaning. Now I look at the relationship from the perspective of what relevant added value you can provide from your organization instead of from your product or service. This means that I shape the relationship with my customers in a different way. Very inspiring.
André MeijerGeneral Manager Volkerwessel Telecom
If you think it's all about customer satisfaction, you're in for a surprise. Tenacity shows how your key accounts view your organization and provides guidance on how you can lead your organization to higher customer retention.
René NijkampGeneral manager Sales & Industry Management Start People
Clients for Life helps achieve our goal: 100% of our clients choose Start People every time based on the value they experience in the collaboration. Do you have the same ambition? Then I highly recommend this book. Then you can also read why we believe this goal starts with consciously choosing customers who are a good fit for us.
Michiel HillebrandChief Operating Officer Leviy
Tenacity has helped us with a strategy to remain relevant to our customers over the long term. The Account Plan Canvas is a great instrument in this regard.