FreshEyes Reviews and PostMortem Audits
The ultimate customer feedback. Only for major customers.
Insight into strategic accounts
- Learn what your clients expect, no more missed opportunities!
- Personal conversations with all decision makers
- No guiding questions, but an open dialogue
- The interview in which decision makers gladly participate
- Verbatim conversation reports with unfiltered information
- We've been doing this for 35 years, so we know what to ask for
- We know how to spark your team
We have been doing this for more than 35 years
Spoke to more than 2000 decision makers
Worldwide, 6 continents
Insight and immediate action
PostMortem Audits are our basis
More than 35 years ago, Tenacity was born from an assignment to discover why customers were lost. In personal interviews with customer decision-makers, we were often told: “If you had asked these questions a year earlier and then acted on them, we would probably still be a customer today.”
And this turned out to be incredibly true! In-depth personal interviews by an independent third party, focused on the value perception of customers, consistently prove to be indispensable for contract retention and developing profitable collaborations.
The loss of a major customer, a crucial quotation, or the failure to expand a valuable relationship is rarely a question of price alone, no matter how much your employees may want you to believe that.
We still start every collaboration by getting into the minds and hearts of your customers.
We then use the outcomes of these interviews to move your organization forward, both strategically and at the account level
It doesn’t matter whether you agree with the insights shared by the customer, because future decisions will be based on their perception, not yours.
The power of the approach
More important than the truth is the customer perception.
A FreshEyes Review report therefore details exactly what the customer said, allowing you to draw your own conclusions. This is what makes the instrument so powerful. Additionally, Tenacity provides its findings on the status of the collaboration.
We interview the 3 to 5 most important stakeholders of the account. These are the individuals who, based on their position and/or role, have the ability to continue or terminate the collaboration, or who can significantly influence these decisions. (We call this the Web of Influence®.)
We speak with them solely to understand their perspective. Tenacity has no vested interest in these interviews because we have nothing to sell, explain, or defend. Without exception, customers appreciate your investment in the relationship and the opportunity to discuss their expectations in a structured manner.
Easy to deploy
Tenacity does all the work. You choose the customer and the stakeholders, the rest is up to a Tenacity partner. A few weeks later you will receive the report that we will review with you and your team to determine actions. Tenacity ensures that customer statements are not downplayed, rationalized or ignored.
Post Mortem Audits
Our experience is that when a customer cancels the collaboration, this rarely happens because of price alone. How valuable would it be to know the real reasons?
You will not get your client back but you will get very valuable insights from which you can learn lessons for the future, lessons that have a particularly positive effect on your organization's ability to win and retain customers.
A PostMortem Audit has major similarities with the FreshEyes Review. We will enter into discussions to find out what real reasons led to the termination of the collaboration. We explicitly ask open questions and listen with the aim of understanding, not to give an answer.
We execute PostMortem Audits to analyse lost deals. It is extremely valuable for improving the sales processes in which you often invest for years.
Knowing more?
Or order these books
What your clients won't tell you....
These books introduce you to the philosophy and tools of the Clients for Life® client retention process, which leading organizations in the managed services world use to manage and protect their strategic accounts against competition. Pragmatic, structured and proven effective.